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Herbal miscarriage/abortion - is that possible?

Skribentens bild: Emelie VilderEmelie Vilder

Let’s talk about unwanted pregnancies! ❤️ Many women have once, or more times, gotten pregnant without wanting or being able to have a child. Condoms breaks, we get careless and horny when ovulating... Maybe we even feel in the moment that it's totally the right thing to do, but then life comes and shows us that it's not the time for us. So what do we do? Take a hormonal pill with 30 times the hormones compared to a birth control pill and have a medication abortion? Or have a surgical abortion?

Those seem to be our only options.. Or?

Even today, 2021 there are some places on this planet where abortions are illegal. So let's take the power back! A few years ago I had just met my current partner and we got pregnant. Too early for me to feel it was the right time in our relationship. I didn't even want to have children at that time. I remember hearing a rumor, that there was an old song in Swedish called "Uti vår hage" that supposedly was an abortion song they passed on to give the recipe to other women, in a time where giving birth as an unmarried woman would bring shame, being outcast and in worse case scenarios even prison to women.

"Uti vår hage där växa blå bär Kom hjärtans fröjd Vill du mig något så träffas vi där Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och saliveja Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans kär

Uti vår hage där växa blå bär Kom hjärtans fröjd Vill du mig något så träffas vi där Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och saliveja Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans kär

Fagra små blommor där bjuda till dans Kom hjärtans fröjd Vill du så binder jag åt dig en krans Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och saliveja Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans kär

Kransen sätter jag sen i ditt hår Kom hjärtans fröjd Solen den dalar men hoppet upp går Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och saliveja Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans kär

Uti vår hage finns blommor och bär Kom hjärtans fröjd Men utav alla mej kärast du är Kom liljor och aquileja, kom rosor och saliveja Kom ljuva krusmynta, kom hjärtans kär."

Herbs/plants mentioned in the song are: juniper berries, lemon balm, rose, aquilegia, sage, and parsley. Researching them I found that lemon balm, sage, and parsley are interesting according to other sources as well. For me, taking strong medicine, or making surgery is the very last option, as with everything else I wanted to try myself first with herbs. So I searched far and wide, googled the shit out of the internet finding a few clues, but not many. I read that drinking loads of lemon or coffee could bring on miscarriages. I also remembered that in India they took the seeds of a papaya fruit in this case. I also called my witchy friends across the globe, one channeled down a rune that she told me to draw on my thigh. I talked to my herb witch of a mother. Remembered her recipe with plant estrogen-rich herbs she made when she came to menopause to balance her hormones. I had already tweaked it a bit for my period tea. So can I tweak it some more? Yes, I can. I came to the conclusion that the herbs I needed to use had to be full of plant estrogen, and I looked for herbs that were advised against during (wanted) pregnancies. Here is my recipe:

🌿💚Herbal abortion tea 💚🌿 Make this tea the earliest on the day when you were supposed to get your period. - Lemon balm

- Sage - Parsley

- Angelica (arca angelica)

- Hop

- Yarrow

- Lady's mantle

- Red clover

- Greek oregano

* Put around one handful of herbs to 1 liter of water. Let the tea steep for at least 15 minutes. Drink the tea during the day. Make a small ceremony with the intention for your period to come. If you want, draw the rune on your inner thigh.

Make a big batch of the herb mix and give it to all your sisters in need. Give them the instructions. I have helped over 20 women with this tea and rune. Everybody has gotten their period within 42 hours. I hope this will help you too. It can not harm you, there are no side effects to it.

Good luck! So much love!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


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